Generating Iframe Calendars

Iframe calendars are calendars that can be embedded in web pages, blogs, wikis, and other applications. 

The Liszt Iframe Calendar Generator is found at `Settings>Iframe Calendar Generator`. To generate an Iframe calendar, manipulate the variables on the page and click "Generate URL". The form has the following fields: 

Venue: The venue(s) whose events should appear on the calendar. Multiple venues may be selected. 

Width: The width of the calendar, in pixels. (percentages can be added directly in the iframe code) 

Height: The height of the calendar, in pixels. (percentages can be added directly in the iframe code) 

Event Class: The event classes which should appear on the calendar. If no event classes are selected, the calendar will display all events. 

Default View: The calendar's default view, in either Day, Week, or Month. 

Free/Busy Only: If unchecked, the calendar will show all details. If checked, the calendar will only show free/busy information. 

The Iframe HTML code will be displayed above the "Generate URL" button when that button is pressed. A sample calendar will be displayed below the "Generate URL" button.